Chris: I caught the number 53 bus into London and got off at Piccadilly, i walked across to the record shop on the corner where there was a small queue. I waited in line to collect my copy of The Allman Brothers live at the Fillmore. A double album which i proudly carried all the way home out of the bag. The album is my favourite live album of all time, it takes me on a journey from beginning to end, but most of all i wanted to be there. It all sounded so great, so well recorded and so live. So vinyl, and in the old days records were all we had.
Today i still play the album from time to time and it still takes me there, but where? To this magical place called the Fillmore where all the great people played and recorded albums. Frank Zappa released live at the Fillmore East in 1971, the same year as the Allman Brothers album. Both records still sound amazing, but on vinyl they sound so much better. Louder and more classic, and when you feel a record in a sleeve its a wonderful thing.
I was so proud to see my own album in this format, it too is a wonderful thing. Loud, proud and well hung.