Rosco: For me, vinyl has always been the format of choice. I grew up listening to my Fathers records, and wore them out, playing along to Cream, Led Zep & The Beatles amongst so many others. The sound is all encompassing and organic, analogue honey for the ears and I really do believe it is the only way to listen to your favourite music.
We’re very proud of this recording and it deserves to be on vinyl so massive thanks to Chris at Plane Groovy for making this happen and being a joy to work with.
David: As a child I was lucky enough to be exposed to a wide genre of music. Listening to various styles of recordings on vinyl with my Nan and my Parents I gained a unique understanding of how a drum kit should sound.
For me the introduction of the CD took away the one thing that vinyl requires you to give it – time. A piece of vinyl requires your time, you can’t skip it to miss out a few tracks you have to listen to the whole album from start to finish. The vinyl demands that you listen to the whole story and gives the artist and the music time to get under your skin.
I still to this day believe you can’t get a better drum sound with any digital equipment, for me vinyl is still the best medium to understand the instruments on it and the people that spend their time making it.
Having a record available with Rosco Levee and the Southern Slide is one thing off my bucket list and it is simply a pleasure to have the opportunity to perform with a group of mates and have it published to possibly the best medium in which to listen to it, and I would like to thank Chris for making that happen. |
Andy: I've always been fan of vinyl, there is a warmth to it that is so hard to replicate any other way, that and the tactile nature of it, the actual action lifting the needle, and carefully placing it on the record, that always takes me back.
One of my fondest memories is of receiving a massive rusty round biscuit tin full of my dad's old 45's, a huge stack of Beatles, Stones, Animals, Yardbirds and far too many others to mention. I was around 9, and clearly remember the first one I played. It was 'I feel fine' by the Beatles, I was instantly hooked, and spent days working my way back and forth though the tin, picking my favourites, lining up which one I'd play next. The classic old tracks I discovered then I have heard many, many times since, but for me, when I really want to hear them, properly, the way they were meant to be heard, I dust off the old rusty biscuit tin again.
Simon: Vinyl was becoming less prominent as I grew up and the cassette tape was quickly establishing itself as the market favourite for music, but something always drew me to my Dads vinyl collection, and this led me to musically discover some of the finest albums ever made. Dark side of the moon, the White Album, Led Zeppelin II, and many others gave a lasting magical impression that still holds me to this day. Something about a full size piece of sleeve artwork and the delicate nature of vinyl that actually gives a feeling of value to the music in some way, I will always treasure it.
Lee: I'm from the "mixtape" generation. I didn't even own a CD player until I was the wrong side of 25, so I bought all my music on vinyl. I spent hours copying my vinyl albums to tape, and making mixtapes (which I suppose were the pre-cursor to the iPod playlists of today). I love my vinyl records. You have to, there are no back-ups. But if you look after them, they'll last a lifetime. Do they sound better than CDs? Technically, probably not. But vinyl is natural. The process of getting that sound from the needle to your ears is as organic as the way this album was recorded, and that's got to be a good thing. I hope you enjoy it.