Brett: I can remember as a child sitting on an oddly textured red carpet staring at a spinning black disk. The carpet, like the record, had seen better days, but both offered their deteriorated forms as a means to travel into my young imagination. Like the focus of a camera I could adjust my brain to interpret, through "soft eyes", and actually see J. Verne's giant squid fighting the Nautilus, cheer hopefully for Black Beauty as he endured cruelty, and wonder what the heck a "Churkendoose" looked like.
I loved those songs and stories and the sense of time having no meaning when they played. I didn't know what signal to noise ratio, frequency range or bass response meant; it didn't matter. All that mattered was that I could sit on that dilapidated red carpet and listen to Herman's Hermits, Treasure Island, and Tchaikovsky. I'd stand up and spin in circles till the world was a big blur of music, stories and churning carpet chunks
I never thought then that I'd be able to have one of my own stories spinning from the speakers into my ears as an adult. Moments in our life crave for correspondence with "like" moments. We reach out for them unknowingly and they click into place. I can't wait to share my current stories with me, that little boy on the red carpet where time has no meaning.
Ray: I was raised on my parent's collection of 78s and 45s. One summer day in the mid 1970s I went to our local library. While sifting through the libraries' collection I came across a catholic boy's wet dream. The album artwork had Satan on it and something I had never seen before... women's breasts. I brought the album home and recorded it onto a blank 8-track tape. That album changed my life. The band was Black Sabbath. The album was Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.
Although some young, impressionable teenage kid may not find our album in a library these days, record it to 8-track and grow his hair past his shirt collar, they may be able to find it in their parent's collection and spend days in front of a mirror perfecting their own rock star dreams. Thank you Chris Topham and everyone at Plane Groovy Records for this opportunity. |
Chris: Vinyl is its own special medium; it's something you have to physically carry, and to fully appreciate the music on it requires you to have the patience to hear each side of music, 20 minutes at a time. It is also a warm, beautiful listening experience that allows for the music to be heard in the truest of forms, much different than the somewhat-limited compression quality we've all become so used-to accepting when we listen to compact discs.
For this time around we not only wanted to capitalize on those wonderfully unique audio traits of vinyl, we also wanted to see our artwork displayed in the larger format for our fans - fans who enjoy music for its quality, depth and integrity. When it came to choosing to press vinyl for "echolyn," our 9th studio album release, we knew it was time to offer vinyl as part of the echolyn listening experience - both for us as a band (to cross off our bucket-list), but more importantly, for the discerning listeners who wants to hear and hold something as a total album experience. |
Tom: Growing up in the 70s, the experience of buying and listening to an album was practically religious. Everything, from the smell of newly pressed veneer on the album cover, to the crack of opening the double gate fold, to hearing the needle hit the vinyl for the first time. You would actually sit and give your undivided attention to the music, as you scanned the album art taking in every possible nuance of the band and it's music. On top of that, the tonal quality and spectrum of music on a record has never been captured on CD and has even been further forgotten in today's "download" culture.
I can't thank Chris Topham enough, not only for bringing the dream of putting echolyn's music on vinyl to life, but for doing it in a manner that brings the quality of the vinyl format into the 21st century. The sound of echolyn on a record will dwarf anything the band has done in the past.
Thank you so much Chris!
Paul: It is truly a dream come true to be on Vinyl for the first time, and it is also bittersweet because I sold my Turn Table at a garage sale several years ago for $1, never believing I would hear our band played on it! But on the upside, now my mom can finally listen to me playing drums in the comfort of her home!!! My hope now is for my sons to see this Vinyl album and remember their first vinyl the way I do.
FIRST VINYL ALBUMS: Wings at the Speed of Sound and The YES Album, given to me by my older sister!! Thank you Sue!!!"